9 things that suck about being a small business owner
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Kelli Call: Same Interview, The First Year
M. O'Hara: Same Interview, The First Year
NaNoWriMo - submit your unedited manuscript
A is for author: 2 things that authors need to know before signing with a publisher
Publishing A-Z: A is for Author
The A-Z of Publishing Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, Paranormal Romance and Horror Fiction
Booktours, Bookstagrammers, and Booktoker’s, oh my!
SmashBear Publishing awarded Prestige Book Publisher of the Year 2022
Vanity publishing, author services, indie publishing and traditional publishing, oh my.
Why we support Women's Aid
Courtney Pollman-Turner: Same Interview, The First Year
Samantha Atkins: Same Interview, The First Year.
Jenna Weatherwax: Same Interview, The First Year
How NANOWRIMO Got Me Published
Imposter Syndrome as an author
A day in the life of a SmashBear Editor
Traditional publishing vs self-publishing. Which is right for you?
Indie Publishing in the UK: The Truth